Mission & Vision

PEC becomes a centre of excellence for developing, competent and professional servants dedicated to customer.

We are committed to achieve the shared vision through:
• developing competent and professional by quality and development for the company;
• continuous improvement of customer service and delivery system;;
• establishing effective partnership with reputed home and industrial for developing capacity; and
• Promoting a culture of continuous learning to foster a knowledge-based service.
• Team spirit: We foster spirit de corps in our activities and share our achievements as well as failures among ourselves.
• Professionalism: We show leadership and strive for excellence in our activities by means of professionalism and competencies.
• Innovation: We are equally committed to finding creative and sustainable solutions to problems.
• Discipline: We maintain discipline of highest order in every step of our activities. We believe in mutual respect and human dignity. We are committed to creating an environment where all views, opinions and inputs are encouraged and valued.
• Integrity: we demonstrate in our activities. We do what we say. We practice integrity by ourselves and encourage our trainees to uphold it in their activities.
• Inclusiveness: We are committed to achieving a diverse and highly professional workforce at all levels and ensuring equity and equal opportunities for faith and ethnicity. We promote inclusion and a culture for developing.